BPS-Statistics Indonesia Situbondo Regency

For visitors to Situbondo Regency BPS website who have finished getting the data sought please please fill out the 2020 Data Needs survey to improve data services to the public by accessing the link here || The face-to-face service / direct visit to the Integrated Statistics Service (library) of Situbondo Regency BPS can be done but still the priority is online service. Direct face-to-face services can be carried out while still meeting health protocols, namely visitors using masks, using hand sanitizers / washing hands and taking measurements of body temperature before entering the office by PST officers. For Online Data and Consultation Request Needs can be via Email bps3512@bps.go.id or Phone to Number (0338) 6711996 or whatsApp to Number 081215680591 during Business Hours.


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Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten SitubondoJl. Raya Wringinanom

Situbondo-Jawa Timur

Indonesia 68300

Telp (0338) 670269

Faks (0338) 671996

Mailbox : bps3512@bps.go.id





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