Election of the Head of KORPRI BPS Situbondo Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Situbondo Regency

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Election of the Head of KORPRI BPS Situbondo Regency

Election of the Head of KORPRI BPS Situbondo Regency

January 6, 2025 | Other Activities

The Republic of Indonesia Civil Servant Corps or KORPRI is a forum that exists in every government agency or institution, including the BPS of Situbondo Regency, which was built in order to improve the welfare and professionalism of each member. Therefore, the KORPRI management is expected to continue to ignite the spirit of creating a KORPRI that is advanced and able to answer the challenges of change. This morning (6/1) the BPS of Situbondo Regency held a deliberation activity in order to elect the Korpri management and in this activity H. Syamsu Kadaryono was elected as the chairman of KORPRI for the 2025-2030 term. Good luck in carrying out your duties and carrying out your mandate in the future.
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